Flourless Chocolate Protein Muffins (Using 6AMRun Chocolate Whey Protein) - 6AM RUN

Hami Mahani

Flourless Chocolate Protein Muffins (Using 6AMRun Chocolate Whey Protein)

Flourless Chocolate Protein Muffins (Using 6AMRun Chocolate Whey Protein)

It is always AWESOME when 6AMRunners get creative with our nutritional formulas. What is even better is when our community shows how much they care for one another. This by SHARING it for ALL to see!

Such selfless acts are amazing!

Meet one of our many top clients of 2021/2022; Gladis Daaboul is someone who takes her health, fitness AND family so seriously! I don't think there is a 6AM Run item she doesn't own.

Recently Gladis shared the below and we are getting asked DAILY for this recipe and instructions so here it is:

2 browned bananas, 1 cup creamy peanut butter, 1/4 cup honey, 1/3 cup of 6AMRun chocolate protein powder, 2tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt, 2 tbsp cocoa powder, 2 eggs & 1/2 cup chocolate chip.

Buy 6AM Run Protein: CLICK HERE 

Mix all the ingredients in a blender until smooth then add the chocolate chip. Bake at 400 degrees for 12 minutes.

Please follow Gladis for more at:

IG: @Daaboulgladis

Or:  www.facebook.com/gladis.daaboul

Another item is our Microwave Protein Cake:

The Ingredients

  • 1 Scoop Protein Powder
  • ¼ Milk
  • ¼ Teaspoon Baking PowderBaking powder– To ensure the batter rises and transforms into an actual brownie!
  • Chocolate Chips, Whip Cream Sprinkles– Optional, but highly recommended!

The Instructions

Making this mug brownie takes one minute to prepare and just one minute to make!

Step 1- Prepare the batter- Place your dry ingredients Milk, 6AM Protein Powder, Baking Soda into it and mix well. Add chocolate chips here too if you like.

Step 2- Microwave the batter- Microwave your mug protein cake for 38 seconds, or up to 1 minutes. Cooking time depends on your brand of microwave. 

Step 3- Remove from the mug and enjoy- Allow your mug brownie to sit for 20 seconds, before slipping out of the mug onto a plate. Add Sprinkles, whip cream or any low sugar/carb topping!