"So many of us parents want our child athletes to have that edge! Here are my thoughts." - 6AM RUN

Brian Blum

"So many of us parents want our child athletes to have that edge! Here are my thoughts."

Let me first start of by saying ANY time you give any minor an over the counter medication, supplement, bar,  or nutrition consult with a medical expert or do your research. But I want to share with you what my daughter and I are going through and how 6AM Run is giving her an amazing edge!

Many of you know Layla Mahani (ig click: @LayMahani ) can hoop a little. She just turned 14 and will attend a major high school force in Delaware Basketball, Sanford. I couldn't be more proud of her as I know all of you are of yours! Lay (as we call her) is working HARD on her craft. She spends 2 to 3 hours a day practicing with her trainer, has 4-6 AAU games a weekend, and lifts twice a week. This I know is DRAINING her young body.. But it is what we must do to stay ahead of her competition.. So every night I have been giving her Finishline to replace her lost Aminos and Nutrition. 

It has been a GAME-CHANGER! 

Amino acid supplements have been proven to be beneficial to ages 12 and up populations. This is based on a study published in 2006 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. (Simply Google: Amino Acids for Kids)

For me, I feel the nutrients we offer in Finishline, Greens, Collagen is so needed. Any child who has consumed, or had a slushee or soda is putting something way worse in their body than our Aminos etc..

It's funny how I started 6AM for my own needs that weren't met and its come full circle so early for Lay and her needs.

So I def would love parents in my same situation consider the items out there that could really help their child athletes. 

Please text me DIRECTLY with any questions: 302-200-4923
