Hami Mahani
6AM Run #GivingTuesday
Thank YOU to ALL our 6AMRunners!
While "Cyber Week", and all our 3 Sales Continue, today is MOST Special because we are able to GIVE BACK!
Today we honor one of the BEST days of the year:
To honor #GivingTuesday , today, 11/28/2023, we will do TWO things:
- Take a portion of ALL 6AMRun.com sales and donate it to: www.GirlsOnTheRun.org
- Next, ANY former 6AMRunner who has a verified multiple orders with us before, but is in maybe a tough financial spot this year, PLEASE text me: 302-200-4923 . What I want to do is find a way to discount the product so you can get one!
PLEASE join us in making a Difference on #GivingTuesday AND Giving Back!
Cyber Week Offers Still Active are:
- Use 30% Off Code: 2023CM30
- or Buy 2 Get 1 FREE,
- or Buy 1 Get 1 @ 50% off!